Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology

The digital edition of Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology is delivered as an electronic format (DRM free)

ISBN: 978-1-905970-78-0 
Length: 138 pages (approximately – depending on reading device)


Synopsis of the Book

Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology has two distinct parts, one devoted to endocrinology and the other, to criminology. These two sciences are closely related to each other, as it is set out in the book.

Through out this book, Samael Aun Weor seeks to bring Western medical science closer to the postulates of Eastern science, specifically in regard to the study of the energy centres (chakras) of the human being, encouraging doctors and scientists in general to get out of the sensory-materialistic limitations of science and explore the field of human energeticism with a greater open mind.

In this respect, the author advocates the joint use of the Western and Eastern methods of investigation and research, with the aim of giving us a more complete and harmonised culture, thereby enabling professionals to tackle and resolve the huge challenges, both medical and psychological, that our society is facing nowadays.

Relevant to this subject is the improvement in the diagnosis of illnesses through the use and development of these energy centres, widely known as chakras.

Let us remember that, at this stage, medical science still does not know the cause and origin of a large number of illnesses, both organic and psychic, thereby being unable to offer a real cure of many of them; some of them being major illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, polio, asthma, AIDS, flu, etc., not to mention mental illnesses.

In view of this, medical science cannot afford to remain secluded in itself, complacently; it has to abandon fear and prejudices and open new doors… This book is an invaluable contribution to it.

In the field of criminology, the author (a deep researcher into the human psyche) invites the reader to the study of criminal etiology, or the causes and impulses that lead human beings to crime, opening a new avenue into the understanding of them; in particular, in explaining that the human psyche is not born with the physical body, but it has existed in previous bodies, and in previous times, creating tendencies and multiple effects that manifest themselves in subsequent times.

In other words, our tendencies and behaviour, including our criminal impulses, spring from our psyche, which is not subject to death, and is interrelated to the laws of ReturnRecurrence and Karma; this being one of the main contributions of Gnostic Science to the study of human psychology.

Incidentally, in the last part of this book Samael Aun Weor includes some important chapters dealing with the study, understanding and elimination of the Psychological I — that part of the human psyche that keeps the human being in state of unconsciousness, and which easily leads us to error and even criminality, in their most diverse forms.

Endocrinology is a science that is still in an embryonic state. Criminology is stagnant because of materialistic science.’

This book is a code of scientific ethics for all Rosicrucian Gnostics, yogis, occultists, spiritualists, etc.’

The occultist who accepts this book as a code of scientific ethics will not fall into the abyss of crime.’

With this book we open a new field of investigation for psychiatry and criminology.’

Samael Aun Weor

Table of Contents 


1. The Pineal Gland – 2. The Pituitary Gland – 3. The Thyroid Gland – 4. The Parathyroid Glands – 5. The Thymus Gland – 6. The Heart – 7. The Pancreatic Gland – 8. The Liver – 9. The Suprarenal Glands – 10. The Spleen – 11. The Vital Fundus – 12. Tattvas and Hormones – 13. The Prostate – 14. The Testicles and the Ovaries


15. Different Types of Clairvoyant Perceptions – 16. Positive and Negative Clairvoyance – 17. Consciousness – 18. The Psycho-biotypological I – 19. The Human Mind – 20. The Infraconscious Mind – 21. The Subconscious Mind – 22. Supraconsciousness – 23. The Krishnamurti Affair – 24. The Obsessed Victim, the Client and the Succubus – 25. The Mentally Ill – 26. Total Revolution and Partial Revolution – 27. Intellectual Criminology – 28. War Psychosis – 29. Paranoia – 30. Pedagogical Psychotherapy – 31. Conclusions

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