Magnum Opus

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ISBN: 978-1-905970-75-9 FORMAT: ePub

Length: 36 pages (approximately – depending on reading device) (fully illustrated)


Synopsis of the Book

Written in 1959, Magnum Opus is the second alchemical work by Samael Aun Weor, the first one being Treatise on Sexual Alchemy (1954).

In this book the author deals with Alchemy from an entirely Kabbalistic point of view, following the twenty-two Major Arcana of the Tarot; since, as he says, the ‘Magnum Opus, or Great Work, has twenty-two fundamental keys…’

This explanation is unfolded in the first chapter of the book ‘The Magnum Opus’, which constitutes the main core of the book.

Another outstanding chapter is chapter three, ‘The Resurrection of the Dead’, where the author explains the thirteen alchemical figures of the Golden Book of Abraham. These are the figures which Nicolas Flamel immortalized when he reproduced them in stone in the Cemetery of the Innocents of Paris, which was built under his patronage.

These famous figures depict major aspects concerning the Great Work of Alchemy, which anyone endowed with the Donum Dei (gift of God) will be able to fully understand, assimilate and experience, leading him or her to full Alchemical Resurrection.

The two other remaining chapters (2 and 4), entitled ‘Kundalini’ and ‘The Cosmic Mother’ respectively, complete this true esoteric gem which cannot be absent from the library of any serious aspirant to the Mysteries.

Table of Contents:

Preface | 1. The Magnum Opus 2. Kundalini 3. The Resurrection of the Death 4. The Cosmic MotherConclusion

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