The Mysteries of the Fire

The Digital Edition of The Mysteries of the Fire is delivered as an electronic format (DRM free)

ISBN: 978-1-905970-96-4 
Length: 130 pages (approximately – depending on reading device)


Synopsis of the Book

This is a practical book on Yoga (the science of union with God or Self-Realization).

Primarily, this is a book on Agni Yoga or Yoga of Fire; in other words, a book on Kundalini (the Sacred Fire of Pentecost).

Its thirteen chapters deal with the Sacred Fire of Kundalini: its nature, awakening, development and powers (siddhis).

Chiefly intended for Gnostic couples, as a handbook for the awakening of Kundalini, it also contains chapters and exercises for single people, in connection with previous preparation for the awakening of the Sacred Fire.

In one of its chapters, the book includes the only Eastern pranayama exercise given by Samael Aun Weor.

The Mysteries of the Fire is a good example that the author is not only an expert in Western Esotericism but in Eastern Esotericism as well.

The book includes a dedicated glossary of difficult terms (mainly Sanskrit ones) for a better understanding of its content.

This book is a must for any person interested in Esoteric Yoga and Eastern Esotericism.

From the book’s Introduction:

‘This book entitled The Mysteries of the Fire (Kundalini Yoga) is for the New Age of Aquarius. In this book we will teach our disciples a practical religion. All religions teach us inflexible dogmas, in which we must inevitably believe, even if we cannot see their assertions with the eyes of the flesh…’

Samael Aun Weor

Table of Contents

In the Hall of Wisdom – 1. The Universal Fire – 2. The Seven Degrees of Power of the Fire – 3. The Two Witnesses – 4. Yogic Marriage – 5. The Muladhara Chakra – 6. The Svadhishthana Chakra – 7. The Manipura Chakra – 8. The Anahata Chakra – 9. The Vishuddha Chakra – 10. The Ajna Chakra – 11. The Sahasrara Chakra – 12. The Seven Seals – 13. Inner Meditation – Glossary

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