The Perfect Marriage

ISBN: 978-1-905970-06-3
FORMAT: Paperback
PAGES: 320


DESCRIPTION (From the back cover of the book)

In this book, and for the first time, the Path of the Perfect Marriage is publicly revealed. This Path is based on the full union of Man and Woman with a view to attaining a fully human and cosmic realization.

Samael Aun Weor proves, with great insight and many examples, that at the bottom of all great civilizations, religions and esoteric orders lie the Mysteries of Sex. These Mysteries were, for many centuries, kept zealously guarded amid the silence of the old Mystery Schools.

The Temple of Wisdom has two fundamental pillars: JAKIN and BOHAZ, or Man and Woman. And this temple is the eternal foundation not only of a family but of any genuine, integral civilization.

And now, in this new time, in the New Aquarian Age, this book comes out for the benefit of all those who are seeking an authorized and complete information about this subject, free from any form of personal bias.

Sample of Book The Perfect Marriage


Introduction – 1 Love – 2 The Son of Man – 3 The Great Battle – 4 The Abyss – 5 Normal Sexuality – 6 Suprasexuality – 7 The Seven Churches – 8 Joy, Music, Dance and the Kiss – 9 Gaio – 10 Direct Knowledge – 11 Be Fruitful and Multiply – 12 Two Rituals – 13 The Two Marys – 14 The Work with the Demon – 15 Celibacy – 16 The Awakening of Consciousness – 17 Dreams and Visions – 18 Consciousness-Subconsciousness – Supraconsciousness – Clairvoyance – 19 Initiation – 20 Resurrection and Reincarnation – 21 The Ninth Sphere – 22 Sexual Yoga – 23 The Flying Serpent – 24 Secret Egypt – 25 The Fatality – 26 Totemism – 27 Sacred Phallicism – 28 Fire Worship – 29 The Edda – 30 The Five-Pointed Star – 31The Eskimos of the North – 32 The Divine Trinity – 33 The Christ

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