Treatise on Revolutionary Psychology

The Digital Edition of Treatise on Revolutionary Psychology is delivered as an electronic format (DRM free)

ISBN: 978-1-905970-99-5   

Length: 188 pages (approximately – depending on reading device)


Synopsis of the Book

In this book Samael Aun Weor condenses the science of psychological transformation in a masterly way. This is a seminal book as far as Gnostic psychology is concerned.

Speaking about this book, the author once said to his students:

‘If you study my book Revolutionary Psychology carefully and put its knowledge into practice, I tell you in the name of truth that you will experience Buddhist Annihilation. Then you will stablish a psychological normality in your psyches, within yourselves; you will get in tuned with all the three-brained beings of the Cosmos, and will be able to directly experience that which does not belong to time, that which is beyond the body, affections and mind – that which is the Real.’

This is a practical book, a real ‘toolbox’, full of clear and practical guidelines for every serious student of Gnosis.

‘A great deal of sentimental nonsense is spoken and written about life, but this Treatise on Revolutionary Psychology is different…

‘This Doctrine goes straight to the point, to concrete, clear and definitive facts…’  

Samael Aun Weor
(Taken from Chapter 19)

Table of Contents

1. The Level of Being – 2. The Marvellous Ladder – 3. Psychological Rebelliousness – 4. The Essence – 5. To Accuse Oneself – 6. Life – 7. The Inner State – 8. Wrong States – 9. Personal Events – 10. The Different I’s – 11. The Beloved Ego – 12. Radical Change – 13. Observer and Observed – 14. Negative Thoughts – 15. Individuality – 16. The Book of Life – 17. Mechanical Creatures – 18. The Super-Substantial Bread – 19. The Good Householder – 20. The Two Worlds – 21. Self-Observation – 22. Talking – 23. The World of Relationships – 24. The Psychological Song – 25. Return and Recurrence – 26. Child’s Self-Consciousness – 27. The Publican and the Pharisee – 28. Will – 29. Decapitation – 30. The Permanent Centre of Gravity – 31. The Gnostic Esoteric  Work – 32. Prayer in the Work

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